Better Surface
Our well-trained residential painters know how important it is to like and feel good when you get inside a room that has been painted well. Our painting tip this time is about uneven surfaces, what to do about it? If you are painting an uneven surface, then you need to prime if you want that even, smooth finish that would surely make your paint job look professionally done. Primers do what paint cannot when you are working on wood or any surface with cracks, depressions and...
Painting Tips
We provide Residential and Commercial painting services in Metro Atlanta for all types of structures, including residential homes and commercial buildings.
Commercial Painters Tip: Read Before You Paint
Read The Description
According to our expert commercial painters, paints vary in the way they should be applied. The first and foremost thing you must do: READ THE LABEL. This should follow the step-by-step instructions that can spell the difference in the end result of your paint project. Take note of the required temperatures required so paint to dry and cure as it should. Don’t forget to prep the surface as instructed and adhere to the recommended time for each coat to dry.
There are mo...
House Painters Tip: Get That Smooth Finish on Trims
Achieving A Smooth Finish
The trick when painting trims is achieving a smooth finish, according to our expert house painters. So, do not mind some paint finding its way on your walls. Once the trim has been painted and dried for at least 24 hours, you can now tape it off and start working on your ceiling, then your walls.
Check out our Newsletter for articles about house painting. All these and a lot more painting tips from one of the best painting contractors in Atlanta, SPPI.
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Residential Painters Tip: Work On Those Cabinets With Ease
Take Them Apart
Are you planning to paint your kitchen or pantry cabinets and drawers? Before you even start dipping that paint brush to start on your cabinets and cupboards, here is our residential painters tip: Make sure that you have removed drawers, pulls, knobs, handles, latches and shelves that can hinder you as you work. Taking the doors off until you finish painting the interiors and surfaces can help a lot especially if these doors have hinges with pins that can be easily removed...
Residential Painters Tip: Paint In Order
Tape Before Paint.
If you are to do a DIY painting and want to get that professional look on the surface or surfaces you have painted, then here is our residential painters tip for you.
It is much better to do it the way the pros do -- trims first, ceiling second, then walls last. Taping off those trims instead of the walls is much easier and faster to do.
Check out our Newsletter for more articles about DIYs, interior and residential painting.
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Exterior Painters Tip: Applying Over Wood Stain Finish
Make Sure The New Coat Will Stick To The Surface
Here is SPPI's exterior painters tip for your yards:
When painting over wood with a stained finish, you need to make sure the new coat will stick to the surface. Unfortunately, most wood stains require a protective finish such as enamel, lacquer or varnish. You will therefore need to remove the glossy finish by sanding the entire surface you will be painting, and then clean all the dust and debris the process will leave behind. Applying a ...
Residential Painters Tip: No Stopping After Painting
Good Idea!
SPPI residential painters ask... Are you contemplating on shaking up your outdated kitchen? Good idea!
Nothing brings us more joy than turning our home into a work of art – but within budget of course. Painting your kitchen is just the first step. You can take it a step further by updating your cabinet hardware as well. Check out your favorite hardware stores and even online sites and choose from their wide range of knobs, handles and pulls to complement your paint job to a te...
Exterior Painters Tip: Sprucing Up Woodwork
Preparing The Surface Well and Using Good Brushing Technique
Painting wood to achieve that glossy sheen may not be as easy as you see from exterior painters and hoped for but neither is it such a daunting task. Preparing the surface well and using good brushing technique will do the trick for you. As to what paint to use, oil-based ones still top the list of many pros because these are slow to dry and allow those brush marks to flatten out. High quality latex paint, which dries fast, can ...
House Painters Tip: Keeping Moisture In Check
Moisture Is Only Good On Skin, Not On Paint
Moisture inside the house can cause your paint to bubble and peel, SPPI house painters are very much aware of that. Unfortunately, you cannot always control the moisture having its way on your walls. However, using primers and paints that allow moisture to pass through them, such as those made from latex can be of great help.
Check out our Newsletter for more articles about house painting.
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Home Painters Tip: Top To Bottom
From The Top
Painting itself follows a sequence. SPPI home painters normally start at the top going down to prevent drips that can ruin a newly painted wall. Ceiling therefore goes first, then the walls next. Paint the trim and woodwork last.
This way you can catch any drips and it won't ruin a freshly painted wall.
Check out our Newsletter for more articles about house painting.
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