Dealing With Molds and Mildew
Molds and mildew are immediate concerns when painting the interior of your homes, particularly the bathroom. Our interior painters know very well a question that arises when painting a bathroom or dealing with bathroom molds and mildew: Do you need a specialty paint that can inhibit their growth or will ordinary paint do?
In most cases, interior painters do not usually use specialty mold/mildew inhibiting or bathroom paint. So unless you have a history of mold...
Painting Tips
We provide Residential and Commercial painting services in Metro Atlanta for all types of structures, including residential homes and commercial buildings.
Interior Painters Tip: Clean Up Before You Paint
Don't Skip Cleaning
Cleaning the wall prior to painting is a step that many pass over, thinking it is an optional procedure. SPPI interior painters know how important this is. Skipping on this simple but crucial step may cause you much peeling and chipping later on as paint can only stick well when applied on a clean surface. Something that will surely affect how you feel about your home, of course. So, part of being practical, do not take for granted then the power of clean walls before you ...
Exterior Painters Tip: Make Your Home And Landscape Work Together
Make Your Home And Landscape Work Together
The landscape of your house is an important factor according to our expert exterior painters, when choosing the color to use in painting the exterior. You may want to consider the way the trees change colors during the seasons or the flowers that enclose your lot when deciding to complement your surroundings. Greens may not work on areas with lots of trees or plants that shade your home, thus making it look darker than it is and would more likely...
House Painters Tip: Choose The Best Finish
Flat, Semi-Gloss or Glossy
In the desire of something that would truly create a home, the decision-making does not end with choosing the paint color and design. After deciding on those two concerns, you now need to choose which type of finish to use – flat, satin and eggshell, or semi-gloss and glossy. You would also need to decide on interior decors and other stuff to complete that home of your dreams. But for now, check out these types of finish from our SPPI house painters:
Flat finis...
Industrial Painters Tip: Getting Latex Paint Off Your Carpet
There Will Always Be A Way
Anyone including SPPI industrial painters can imagine the devastation of staining your carpet (expensive or not) with latex paint. You may simply end up looking at a stained and ruined carpet. Accidents do happen despite all our precautions, so if you find yourself hyperventilating over your favorite or expensive carpet while repainting your home, just relax. There will always be a way with the help of a sponge or an absorbent wash cloth, cold and lukewarm water a...
Exterior Painters Tip: Geography A Factor In Color Choice
Location, Location, Location
SPPI exterior painters suggest for you to take into consideration geographical considerations when choosing paint colors for your home. One of which is the paint color that will not be off or clash with your neighbors. Another is to also consider the sun’s intensity, especially in the sunny areas. Intense sunlight tend to wash out color, making brighter colors preferable in these areas.
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Home Painters Tip: Painting Over Wallpaper Successfully
Do Not Despair...
SPPI home painters know that in the long run, removing wallpaper before painting your wall is best. Yet there are times when doing this may lead to more harm than good to your wall. If you find yourself in this situation, do not despair. Painting over wallpaper can work if done properly. You just need to make sure the sides and seams are secured so it does not peel after painting. Textured wallpaper can be smoothened by applying a thin coat of joint compound (spackle). Car...
Industrial Painters Tip: Thin Paint And Clean Up Naturally
What is Citrus Thinner?
Our industrial painters said that there is a non-toxic natural alternative you can use to clean up your brushes or thin paint, and that is citrus thinner, or tupenoid natural. It can even be used to clean other household items. Unlike turpentine and mineral spirits, this has a mild and citrusy odor and is biodegradable. Disposing of leftovers is therefore easy and safe, and does not pose much danger if ingested in small doses. It may be used alone or can be mixed wit...
House Painters Painting Tip: Keep Your Walls Crayon-Free
The Magic Of Toothpaste, Eraser and Wipes
Our house painters find homes with children to be always prone to crayon marks on the walls. It is a good if we have wall erasers available to us at any given time, but what if we don’t?
There is another way to go about this colorful problem without having to repaint your wall. It’s time to put that toothpaste (not the gel type) to more use by rubbing some on the crayon marks. Then, with a pencil eraser or an art gum, start erasing these in a circu...
Commercial Painters Tip: Explore Colors From Your iPad
The Colors Are Right Under Your Finger
Got to paint your house but just can’t decide what color to use? Get your iPad out and check out those color combinations using Sherwin-Williams ColorSnap Studio™. With more than 1,500 colors in its palette for you to tinker with, you have more than enough to experiment on combinations and virtually paint your walls with literally a brush of your fingertip.
Check out our Newsletter for more articles about house painting.