Several Factors To Consider
The numerous residential painting tips we have learned are helpful in determining whether or not we will get a work well done. Anyone who is keen on the nitty-gritty details in painting so as to obtain a lasting painting job will do all means to know everything there is about painting. Of course, this includes the loads of information about paints and painting techniques shared by exterior house painters in the process of making inquiries and getting estimates fo...
Residential Painting Newsletters
Residential Painters: Recognizing Their Potentials during Summer
Recognizing Their Potentials during Summer
Qualified and expert residential painters are recognized through the outcome of their exterior painting jobs during summer. Homeowners take delight as they realize that the cost of painting a house they paid is worth it - and even more! These include the valuable tips and summer painting considerations shared to them by the exterior house painters assigned to them by their choice of painter contractor they trust, as follows:
The levels of hu...
Residential Painters Classify Old Houses with Exterior Paint Colors
Classify Old Houses with Exterior Paint Colors
It takes a lot of confidence when residential painters and residential painting contractors accept the task to work on old houses at a reasonable house painting cost. Doing so means that they are familiar with historic color palettes and you can truly rely on their knowledge and capability as well.
You will be amazed at how these expert residential painters explain how old houses were classified according to the exterior paint colors. What mad...
Exterior House Painters: What Does Summer Have in Store for Them?
Better Schedule in Advance
It is not surprising if house painters still have something to expect for summer in spite of humid temperature. A number of homeowners have planned ahead for home painting services during this time of the year. Remarkably, most of these services are exterior painting and painting contractors readily accept this kind of job offers or job orders because they are confident that exterior house painting in summer is likely to produce wonderful results.
On the other h...
National Painting Week: What Makes It Remarkable?
The National Painting Week
The National Painting Week by Sherwin-Williams this year was set on April 15th to 21st. This was celebrated with various home decorating ideas such as tips on applying house paint colors to perk up the areas in your home. This week-long event commenced with the release of a survey conducted by Spring Home Improvement Survey - presented and posted by Sherwin-Williams at
Here are the facts disclosed in the survey:
Residential Painters on Pressure Washing: “No Fuss”
Easy Breezy Cleaning
Residential painters work their best to bring out the gloss or luster of exterior paint colors to your house. These local house painters are confident that the paint colors they applied will indeed count years before the exterior residential painting fades away. However, this house exterior should be properly maintained.
What better and affordable method among house painting services will be offered in retaining the “brand new” appeal of your house? Residential painter...
What Do Home Painters Consider as 5 Qualities of Superior Paints?
What Do Home Painters Consider as 5 Qualities of Superior Paints?
Home painters do not just paint. As exterior painters, their experiences have made them more knowledgeable to their craft. Just imagine the numerous gallons of paint these local house painters have applied and consumed to the exterior of houses. They have definitely established their own set of qualities that enable them to identify whether or not the paint is extraordinary or superior.
Here are 5 of the most common qualities ...
Residential Painters: Springtime Exterior House Repainting
Springtime Exterior House Repainting
Expert residential painters know that excellence in their work depends a lot on the weather. An optimal weather enables them to produce the best painting result. These exterior painters give the right advice to homeowners, particularly when their work entails exterior house repainting.
When is the weather optimal then? It is at the onset of spring, and at times, during fall. It is often the first few weeks of spring when the temperature is not too hot or ...
Spring Time for Exterior Painters: It is Painting Season!
Let The Paint Begin!
Why is spring time the best time for exterior painters? It is because, to them, this is what they consider their peak season. It is painting time! It is the time homeowners plan and schedule cleaning their homes and this includes residential painting - as winter comes to an end.
Not only do exterior and residential painters anticipate spring time - everyone does. Spring is the time of year when the weather is not too cold and not too hot. Everybody has activities and pla...
Top Painting Contractor Southern Perfection Painting Inc. Wins Best of 2012
Top Painting Contractor Southern Perfection Painting Inc. Wins Best of 2012
Top painting contractor Southern Perfection Painting Inc. wins “Best of the Best” Award for Metro Atlanta Residential Painting Industry on for 2012. Southern Perfection Painting Inc. received the most number of votes in this category from thousands of users.
Indeed, the figures are evident why SPPI is considered the number one painting contractor. There are more than 5 million businesses...