House Painters Painting Tip: New Year Home Colors

New Year, New Paint SPPI House Painters painting tip this month: Now that the holidays are over, the relatives are gone, and the grandchildren are back in school, it is time to repaint those walls again. When you paint this time, do it with a twist of new color. Be on the lookout for this year's new color palette from Southern Perfection Painting, Inc. Check out our Newsletter for more articles about house painting.

Exterior Painter Tip of the Month : November 2009

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Time To Pressure Wash Fall is the perfect time to do a little pressure washing. With all of the moisture we have just recently had and with winter approaching now is the time get the mildew that is starting to form off your home before the cold weather sets in. While you are at it you may also want to take the time to start caulking and sealing around your windows. This will prevent those winter time elements from gaining access to your home. Our expert PPI exterior painter knows that it wi...

Southern Perfection Painting Inc.: Tip of the Month, February 2009

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Replace Those Rotten Woods With the new year coming about, it may be time to take care of those unsightly pieces of rotten of wood that has started to make your property look drab. To increase the longevity of your painting project and home, have SPPI replace any wood that has started to rot. This will keep you from having to pay for higher priced repairs to your home in the future. Photo by Ben Hussmann

Residential Painters Tip of the Month: January 2009

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The residential painters tip of the month is pretty much concentrating on the interiors this time. Try combining opaque and sheer fabrics for fashionable new effects. For instance, in any room, combine opaque Turquoise fabric together with an overlay of sheer, striped silk to make up the window treatments. The silk layer softens the Turquoise underneath, and the fabric combo looks light and airy. For more color scheme designs feel free to roam around our website. Our residential painters are ...

Atlanta Painters Tip of the Month: December 2008

Create A Center Piece When deciding to remodel a room in your home buy one piece of furniture or artwork for that room and center your paint colors, accessories, etc. around that item. By following this simple tip, it will make your room appear that you hired a very expensive interior decorator and it will simply…flow. SPPI Atlanta painters have several painting tips for you and we are also willing to hear any painting ideas you have in mind or have planned. For free estimates of your next p...

Home Painters: Tip of the Month, November 2008

Repaint Don't Replace Here is one of our home painters tip if you are eyeing to update your kitchen. If your kitchen cabinets are looking a little shabby don’t replace them, re-paint them with SPPI We will have them looking like new again. If not your kitchen, are you planning to update other parts or rooms in your house? Let our home painters take care of you as they are always up-to-date on the trends in its industry. And, our home painters are open to any home painting ideas you have in...